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Good customer service can mean a wealth of different things to different companies and organisations.

For some it might mean the quality of their products, for others it might mean the efficiency of their services. Yet all of them, from banks to bookshops and from tailors to tube stations have one very important thing in common.  They have to make it easy to engage with every one of their customers and vice versa.

Now let’s think about those with hearing impairments, you might assume that only a fraction of the population lives with this kind of invisible disability, but like most invisible disabilities, the actual facts and statistics make for startling reading.

Hearing loss is the second most common disability in the UK, affecting 1 in 6 of us. That’s around 2 million hearing aid users and a staggering 6 million more that would actually benefit from hearing aids. Almost a million people are severely or profoundly deaf and around 12,000 people use cochlear implants.

But how are these facts and figures linked to building your brand, how do they inform what good customer service means?

Simply put, there is a potentially massive client base out there that experiences life slightly differently due to hearing impairment. They may avoid certain shops, services or premises, not because the service is poor or the products substandard. They might find it difficult to communicate, to hear and be heard, to engage in a way that everyone else takes for granted, they may even feel embarrassed or troublesome.

If your premises are not equipped with the technology to offer that same level of service to this considerable section of society, then you may well be missing out.

At Clear Audio Systems, we offer every kind of speech enhancement system and induction loop equipment. From portable induction loop systems all the way up to complete vocal enhancement and hearing loop systems.

The quality of our products, our extensive after sales support and ongoing maintenance will ensure you have the exact equipment you need, set up professionally and working exactly as you and your customers need it to, from day one.

That means the very best, inclusive customer service for all your customers and what better foundations on which to build a brand?

To learn more about us, why we are market leaders in our field and how we can help to provide you with bespoke solutions, get in touch today.

Source – Hearing Link