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Deaf Awareness Week is a unique opportunity which is open to everyone to be a part of something special…

This year, between the 4th and 10th of May, individuals and organisations throughout the UK will come together, to promote their values and work within the spectrum of hearing impairment and deafness. It is an inspiring example of what can be achieved when so many come together with a common goal and you and your business are invited!

This year’s theme for Deaf Awareness Week is acquired deafness, something that unfortunately can make access to public buildings, businesses and services incredibly challenging, but it doesn’t have to be that way and you and your business can play an important role in making change happen.

At this point you might be expecting a heartfelt plea for donations to the UK Council on Deafness, (the incredible organisation behind Deaf Awareness Week) but that isn’t really what this article is about. Instead there are things you can do for your business, clients and employees that will make a very real difference.

The most important one is taking the time to ensure that your hearing loop induction system is working, particularly if it hasn’t been used or tested for a while. What better time to get it done than the week when you can share with the world that you’re playing your part, doing your bit and ensuring your company’s compliance?

It is important to remember that when your hearing loop is needed it has to be ready and working, if it isn’t then it’s already too late.

Around 1 in 6 of us live with hearing impairments of some kind, if you provide a service or employ colleagues to make your business run smoothly, it would be a great time to give a little thought to those of them who might live with hearing impairments and other hidden disabilities. They might be members of your own team, they might be customers, either way they will feel included, respected and valued.

What better accolade could there possibly be for your business…

There will be a whole range of national and local events during Deaf Awareness Week, promoting social inclusion and the challenges that deaf people face in today’s workplaces, as well as the many positive aspects of deafness.

Make sure you play your part; more information on Deaf Awareness Week can be found here and if you are looking for help or advice on any aspect of hearing loops, get in touch with us today.